Manual events

Easy recording of manual events gives you better insights and more effective work flows.

Connectitude IIoT Platform™

Track the time allocated for manual actions and ad hoc events.

Add photos and movie clips for better documentation of events.

Report errors and delegate tasks to your colleagues or external partners.

Create routines to report manual events, with a tool that is quick to use and allow feedback . Time allocated in various categories of manual events will be easier to track, analyze and visualize.


Designed for speed

Send a text message or a photo from a mobile device. Add an event category and your post will be directed to the concerned users.


Designed for feedback

Track and get notifications from your delegated tasks. Comment on actions done or send a thumbs up to a suggestion for improvement.


Designed for tracking

Report time in manual processes by start and stop for event codes. Add a serial or batch number to allow a more granular tracking.

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